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Sunday 16 February

Lucas Arruda: Windows onto Infinity

Published on: 25 January 2025

By: Hervé Lancelin

Category: Art review

Reading time: 7 minutes

In his miniature paintings, Lucas Arruda confronts us with the vastness of the world, transforming each canvas into a metaphysical exploration where light becomes the vehicle for profound reflections on the very nature of perception and our relationship with the visible.

Listen to me carefully, you bunch of snobs, as I talk to you about Lucas Arruda, born in 1983 in São Paulo, an artist who does exactly what one is not supposed to do according to all the canons of contemporary art, and that is precisely why he deserves our attention. While the art world is obsessed with the spectacular, the monumental, and the ostentatious, here is an artist who dares to work on tiny formats, who has the audacity to paint landscapes when everyone tells him it’s outdated, and who persists in exploring light as if the Impressionists had never existed.

Arruda is that rare artist who makes us see the invisible in the visible, feel the infinite in the finite. His paintings, which rarely exceed the size of a sheet of paper, are open windows to immensity. They remind us of what Martin Heidegger called “the clearing of being”, that space where things reveal themselves to us in their deepest truth. When you look at one of Arruda’s seascapes, you don’t just see a marine landscape; you witness what the German philosopher described as the unveiling of truth, the aletheia, that moment where the world emerges from its concealment to manifest itself in full presence.

His emblematic series “Deserto-Modelo”, whose title is borrowed from the poet João Cabral de Melo Neto, is not merely a collection of landscapes. It is a systematic and obsessive exploration of what it means to see, perceive, and be present in the world. Each painting is an invitation to slow down, to take the time to truly look. In our era of instant images and immediate visual gratification, Arruda offers us a form of contemplative resistance.

Take his seascapes with their blurry horizons, those spaces where the sky and ocean merge into a luminous mist. At first glance, they may seem repetitive, almost monotonous. But it is precisely in this apparent monotony that their strength lies. Like the musical variations of Philip Glass or Steve Reich, each iteration brings a subtle difference, a new nuance, a variation almost imperceptible yet significant. This repetition is not a lack of imagination but a rigorous method of investigating the visible.

Light, in Arruda’s work, is not merely a pictorial effect or a means of creating atmosphere. It becomes a true philosophical tool, a way of exploring what Maurice Merleau-Ponty called “the flesh of the world”. In his paintings, light doesn’t just illuminate things; it makes them exist in a new way. It creates what the French philosopher described as the fundamental intertwining between the seer and the seen, that mysterious zone where our perception meets the world.

His dense and mysterious jungles are not mere representations of the Brazilian rainforest. They are meditations on the very idea of nature, on our complex relationship with the natural world. In these works, Arruda subtly engages with the tradition of the sublime in art, but he does so in a thoroughly contemporary way. Where the Romantics sought to overwhelm us with immensity, Arruda offers a form of miniaturized sublime, concentrated and intensified by the small dimensions of his paintings.

What is particularly interesting about his approach is that he creates works that operate simultaneously on multiple levels. On a purely visual level, his paintings are masterpieces of chromatic subtlety and technical mastery. The way he works the pictorial material, sometimes scraping the surface to bring light out from the underlying layers of paint, reveals a deep understanding of the material possibilities of his medium.

But his paintings are also thinking machines. They force us to reflect on the very nature of perception, on how we construct our understanding of the visible world. In this, they align with the concerns of phenomenology, that branch of philosophy interested in how things appear to us in direct experience. Each of Arruda’s paintings is like a miniature phenomenological experiment, an invitation to explore how we perceive and give meaning to what we see.

Arruda’s decision to work almost exclusively on small formats is not a mere aesthetic preference or a practical constraint. It is a philosophical choice that transforms each painting into an exercise in concentration and focus. These small formats force us to come closer, to lean in, to establish an intimate relationship with the work. It is a form of resistance against the current trend in contemporary art to favor the spectacular and the monumental.

His occasional use of light projections and painted slides further extends this reflection on the nature of vision and representation. These installations create what philosopher Gilles Deleuze would call “time-images”, moments where time itself becomes visible, palpable. The projected light becomes a medium in its own right, a way to materialize the passage of time and the subtle changes in perception.

Arruda’s monochromes, which at first glance appear to be uniform surfaces, are in fact sophisticated exercises on the nature of vision. By forcing us to slow down our gaze, to take the time to truly see, they remind us that vision is not an instantaneous act but a process that unfolds over time. These works echo what philosopher Henri Bergson wrote about duration, that subjective experience of time that cannot be reduced to a mere succession of moments.

Arruda’s relationship with the tradition of landscape painting is complex and nuanced. He is neither a mere continuator of this tradition nor an iconoclast seeking to destroy it. He reinvents it from within, pushes it to its limits, and uses it as a tool to explore fundamental philosophical questions. His landscapes are not representations of real places but mental constructions, imaginary spaces that allow us to reflect on the very nature of representation.

In his most abstract seascapes, where the horizon dissolves into a luminous mist, Arruda confronts us with what philosopher Emmanuel Levinas called “there is”, that pure and undifferentiated presence that precedes any distinction between subject and object. These paintings place us before the enigma of being itself, confronting us with the fundamental strangeness of the world.

His treatment of light is particularly revealing. In his paintings, light is not merely a natural phenomenon to be represented but a metaphor for consciousness itself, for our capacity to perceive and understand. This approach echoes what Gaston Bachelard wrote about poetic reverie, that active form of imagination that allows us to transcend the limits of ordinary perception.

The “Deserto-Modelo” series can be seen as a systematic exploration of what it means to dwell poetically in the world, to borrow Hölderlin’s expression cherished by Heidegger. Each painting is an attempt to create a space where the visible and the invisible meet, where the material and the spiritual intertwine. It is a project that is both humble in its dimensions and ambitious in its philosophical scope.

The influence of artists like Turner, particularly in his later works where form dissolves into light, is evident in Arruda’s work. But where Turner sought to capture the dramatic power of the elements, Arruda pursues a more subtle, interior form of transcendence. His paintings are not depictions of external storms but explorations of inner storms, cartographies of the soul.

What is remarkable about his work is that it maintains a perfect balance between the formal and the metaphysical, between the material and the spiritual. His paintings function both as purely aesthetic objects and as supports for philosophical meditation. This duality lies at the heart of his artistic project.

The repetition in his work is not a mere mechanical iteration but a patient and methodical form of investigation. Like a scientist repeating an experiment to understand all its variables, Arruda relentlessly explores the same motifs to extract new meanings and possibilities. Each new painting is both a continuation and a new beginning.

His work reminds us that art can still be a serious means of philosophical investigation, a tool for understanding our place in the world. In an age dominated by cynicism and irony, Arruda dares to be sincere, metaphysical, profound. He shows us that it is still possible to create art that speaks directly to the soul while engaging the intellect.

The next time you encounter one of his small paintings in a gallery or museum, don’t just glance at it as you pass by. Take the time to stop, lean in, and really see. For within these miniature spaces lies an immensity waiting to be discovered. Arruda reminds us that the physical size of a work has nothing to do with its capacity to transport us, to transform us, to make us think.

Perhaps this is his greatest achievement: showing us that in a world obsessed with the grand, the spectacular, the monumental, true greatness can be found in the smallest formats. His paintings are like secret doors to infinity, invitations to explore the mysteries of perception and being. And this is precisely why they deserve my admiration.


Lucas ARRUDA (1983)
First name: Lucas
Last name: ARRUDA
Gender: Male

  • Brazil

Age: 42 years old (2025)

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